MSTC Quiz Night

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Roll up roll up…next club extravaganza is the MSTC quiz night on Friday 13th October. Arrive for a drink at 7.30pm for a 8pm start.

Compered by our own Marty & Dave! (like Chaz’n’Dave but better).

Your ticket price (£12.50) gets you an evening of great entertainment, a selection of delicious beige snacks (hot and cold!) and the chance to be the team who wins glory… AND a donation to this year's MSTC charity.

Come one, come all… tables of 6-8, feel free to bring friends, relatives and hangers on!

Don’t be put off if you are new to the club or don’t have a table as Flo will happily matchmake.

So a lovely evening out for £12.50, payment method will be sent shortly…in the meantime email YES to to collate numbers! Don’t miss out!